Queries And Matchers


class Query

Queries are computation on an Experiment tracking data.

This class is a wrapper for all data queries that can be made on an Experiment. They takes advantages of multithreading to have efficient computation time.


Some queries have two version, one returing up to two std::vector, and one with a storeMethod parameter. The later is to be used with bindings, or when a different data structure is needed.


For very small Experiment in number of Ant, most of the query operation are IO bounded, and the multithreading overhead will impact performance by 40-50% in computation time, as threads are waiting for data inpout to come. This is the case for IdentifyFrames(), and ComputeAntTrajectories(). When collision detection is required, multi-threading can largely help, especially with a large number of individuals. Threading is controlled with QueryArgs::SingleThreaded

Public Static Functions

static ComputedMeasurement::List ComputeMeasurementFor(const Experiment &experiment, AntID antID, MeasurementTypeID typeID)

Computes all measurement for an Ant.

  • experiment – the Experiment to query for

  • antID – the desired Ant

  • typeID – the desired measurement type


a ComputedMeasurement::List of the Measurement for the Ant

static ExperimentDataInfo GetDataInformations(const Experiment &experiment)

Gets tracking data statistics about the Experiment.


an ExperimentDataInfo structure of informations

static TagStatistics::ByTagID ComputeTagStatistics(const Experiment &experiment, const std::function<void(int, int)> &progressCallback = [](int, int){}, bool fixCorruptedData = false)

Computes TagStatistics for an experiment.

  • experiment – the Experiment to query for

  • fixCorruptedData – a boolean indicating if data corruption should be ignored and silently fixed. Please note that it could cause the loss of large chunk of tracking data. If false, an exception will be thrown.


the TagStatistics indexed by TagID

static void IdentifyFramesFunctor(const Experiment &experiment, std::function<void(const IdentifiedFrame::Ptr&)> storeData, const IdentifyFramesArgs &args = IdentifyFramesArgs())

Identifies ants in frames - functor version.

Identifies Ants in frames, data will be reported ordered by time.


Zones for Ant will not be computed unless specified with IdentifyFrameArgs::ComputeZones.


This version aimed to be used by language bindings to avoid large data copy.

  • experiment – the Experiment to query for

  • storeData – a functor to store/convert the data

  • args – the IdentifyFrameArgs to use for this query

static void IdentifyFrames(const Experiment &experiment, std::vector<IdentifiedFrame::Ptr> &result, const IdentifyFramesArgs &args = IdentifyFramesArgs())

Identifies ants in frames.

Identifies Ants in frames, data will be reported ordered by time.


Zones for Ant will not be computed unless specified with IdentifyFrameArgs::ComputeZones.

  • experiment – the Experiment to query for

  • result – the resulting IdentifiedFrame

  • args – the IdentifyFrameArgs to use for this query

static void CollideFramesFunctor(const Experiment &experiment, std::function<void(const CollisionData &data)> storeData, const CollideFramesArgs &args = CollideFramesArgs())

Finds Collision in tracking frames - functor version.

Finds Collision between ants in frames, data will be reported ordered by time. Zones for each Ant will also be computed.


This version aimed to be used by language bindings to avoid large data copy.

  • experiment – the Experiment to query for

  • storeData – a functor to store the data as it is produced

  • args – the QueryArgs to use for this query

static void CollideFrames(const Experiment &experiment, std::vector<CollisionData> &result, const CollideFramesArgs &args = CollideFramesArgs())

Finds Collision in tracking frames.

Finds Collision between ants in frames, data will be reported ordered by time. Zones for each Ant will also be computed.

static void ComputeAntTrajectoriesFunctor(const Experiment &experiment, std::function<void(const AntTrajectory::Ptr&)> storeTrajectory, const ComputeAntTrajectoriesArgs &args = ComputeAntTrajectoriesArgs())

Computes trajectories for ants - functor version.

Computes ant trajectories in the experiment. A trajectory is the consecutive position of an Ant in a Space, with detection gap under ComputeAntTrajectoriesArgs::MaximumGap. These will be reported ordered by ending time.


This version aimed to be used by language bindings to avoid large data copy.

static void ComputeAntTrajectories(const Experiment &experiment, std::vector<AntTrajectory::Ptr> &trajectories, const ComputeAntTrajectoriesArgs &args = ComputeAntTrajectoriesArgs())

Computes trajectories for ants.

Computes ant trajectories in the experiment. A trajectory is the consecutive position of an Ant in a Space, with detection gap under ComputeAntTrajectoriesArgs::MaximumGap. These will be reported ordered by ending time.

static void ComputeAntInteractionsFunctor(const Experiment &experiment, std::function<void(const AntTrajectory::Ptr&)> storeTrajectory, std::function<void(const AntInteraction::Ptr&)> storeInteraction, const ComputeAntInteractionsArgs &args = ComputeAntInteractionsArgs())

Computes interactions for ants - functor version.

Computes ant interactions, i.e. time intervals where two Ants collides. These will be reported ordered by ending time.

The parameter ComputeAntInteractionsArgs::ReportFullTrajectories controls if full trajectories should be reported in AntTrajectorySegment or if only a summary should be reported. The former have an high impact on the amount of RAM required to perform the query efficiently or at all.


This version aimed to be used by language bindings to avoid large data copy.

  • experiment – the Experiment to query for

  • storeTrajectory – a functor to store/convert trajectories

  • storeInteraction – a functor to store/convert interaction

  • args – the ComputeAntInteractionsArgs

static void ComputeAntInteractions(const Experiment &experiment, std::vector<AntTrajectory::Ptr> &trajectories, std::vector<AntInteraction::Ptr> &interactions, const ComputeAntInteractionsArgs &args = ComputeAntInteractionsArgs())

Computes interactions for ants.

Computes ant interactions, i.e. time intervals where two Ants collides. These will be reported ordered by ending time.

The parameter ComputeAntInteractionsArgs::ReportFullTrajectories controls if full trajectories should be reported in AntTrajectorySegment or if only a summary should be reported. The former have an high impact on the amount of RAM required to perform the query efficiently or at all.

static void FindVideoSegments(const Experiment &experiment, std::vector<VideoSegment> &segments, SpaceID space, const fort::Time &start, const fort::Time &end)

Finds the VideoSegment in a Space of the Experiment.


it would be extremly computationally inefficient to query for a large range [start;end].

  • experiment – the Experiment to query for

  • segments – container for the VideoSegment results

  • space – the SpaceID of the Space to query for

  • start – the first Time to query a video frame for

  • end – the last Time to query a video frame for

static std::vector<std::tuple<AntID, Time, Time>> GetMetaDataKeyRanges(const Experiment &e, const std::string &key, const Value &value)

Gets the time ranges where metadata key has a given value.

  • e – the Experiment to query for

  • key – the key to query for

  • value – the value to check equality to

  • std::out_of_range – if key is not defined in Experiment

  • std::invalid_argument – if value is not of the right type for key


a vector of tuple of AntID and time range where key is equal to value.

static std::tuple<std::vector<std::string>, std::vector<TagID>, Eigen::MatrixXd> GetTagCloseUps(const Experiment &e, const std::function<void(int, int)> &progressCallback, bool fixCorruptedData = false)

Gets the tag close-up in the experiment.

  • e – the Experiment to query for

  • progrssCallback – a callback for the progress of the operation

  • fixCorruptedData – a boolean that will make data corruption error silently ignored. Could lead to the loss of some tag close-up


a tuple of a vector of string, TagID, and an Eigen::Matrix

struct CollideFramesArgs : public fort::myrmidon::Query::QueryArgs

Arguments for CollideFrames.

Arguments for CollideFrames() and CollideFramesFunctor().

Public Members

bool CollisionsIgnoreZones

Collision detection happens over different zones (default: false).

struct ComputeAntInteractionsArgs : public fort::myrmidon::Query::QueryArgs

Arguments for ComputeAntInteractions.

Arguments for ComputeAntInteractions() and ComputeAntInteractionsFunctor().

Public Functions


Builds default arguments.

Public Members

Duration MaximumGap

Maximum Duration before considering the trajectory be two different parts (default: 1s)

std::shared_ptr<myrmidon::Matcher> Matcher

Matcher to reduce the query to an Ant subset (default: to nullptr, i.e.


bool ReportFullTrajectories

Reports full trajectories.

If false only mean trajectory during interactions will be reported, otherwise trajectory will be computed like ComputeAntTrajectories() and AntInteraction wil points to sub-segment (default: true).

bool CollisionsIgnoreZones

Collisions, and therefore interactions, happens over different zones.

bool SegmentOnMatcherValueChange

If a combined matcher value changes, create a new object.

struct ComputeAntTrajectoriesArgs : public fort::myrmidon::Query::QueryArgs

Arguments for ComputeAntTrajectories.

Arguments for ComputeAntTrajectories() and ComputeAntTrajectoriesFunctor().

Public Members

Duration MaximumGap

Maximum Duration before considering the trajectory be two different parts (default: 1s)

std::shared_ptr<myrmidon::Matcher> Matcher

Matcher to reduce the query to an Ant subset (default: to nullptr, i.e.


bool ComputeZones

Computes the zone of each Ant (default: false)

bool SegmentOnMatcherValueChange

If a combined matcher value changes, create a new object.

struct IdentifyFramesArgs : public fort::myrmidon::Query::QueryArgs

Arguments for IdentifyFrames.

Arguments for IdentifyFrames() and IdentifyFramesFunctor().

Public Members

bool ComputeZones

enables zone computation without collision detection

struct QueryArgs

Arguments for any Query.

Subclassed by fort::myrmidon::Query::CollideFramesArgs, fort::myrmidon::Query::ComputeAntInteractionsArgs, fort::myrmidon::Query::ComputeAntTrajectoriesArgs, fort::myrmidon::Query::IdentifyFramesArgs

Public Functions


Builds default arguments.

Public Members

Time Start

First Time to consider (default: Time::SinceEver())

Time End

Last Time to consider (default: Time::Forever())

bool SingleThreaded

Uses a single thread for computation (default: false)

bool AllocationInCurrentThread

Forces result allocation from the calling thread (default: false)


class Matcher

A Matcher helps to build complex Query by adding one or several constraints.

Matchers works either on single Ant for trajectory computation, or on a pair of Ant when considering interactions. Some matcher have no real meaning outside of interaction (i.e. InteractionType()) and would match any trajectory.

Base Matchers

One would use the following function to get a Matcher :


Using And() or Or(), one can combine several Matcher together to build more complex criterion. For example to build a Matcher that matches ID 001 or 002:

using namespace fort::myrmidon;
auto m = Matcher::Or(Matcher::AntID(1),Matcher::AntID(2));

Public Types

typedef std::shared_ptr<Matcher> Ptr

A pointer to a Matcher.

Public Static Functions

static Ptr And(std::vector<Ptr> matchers)

Combines several Matcher together in conjunction.


matchers – the matchers to combine


a new Matcher which will match only when all matchers also matches.

static Ptr Or(std::vector<Ptr> matchers)

Combines several Matcher together in disjunction.


matchers – the matchers to combine


a new Matcher which will match if any of the matchers matches.

static Ptr AntID(AntID antID)

Matches a given AntID.

In case of interactions, matches any interaction with one of the Ant having antID.


antID – the AntID to match against


a Matcher that matches Ant with the given antID

static Ptr AntMetaData(const std::string &key, const Value &value)

Matches a given user meta data key/value.

In case of interactions, matches any interaction with one of the Ant meeting the criterion.

  • key – the key to match against

  • value – the value to match against


a Matcher that matches Ant with key is value.

static Ptr AntDistanceSmallerThan(double distance)

Matches a distance between two Ants.

In case of trajectories, it matches anything.


distance – the distance to be smaller.


a Matcher that matches when two Ant lies within the given distance

static Ptr AntDistanceGreaterThan(double distance)

Matches a distance between two Ants.

In case of trajectories, it matches anything.


distance – the distance to be greater.


a Matcher that matches two Ant further appart than distance.

static Ptr AntAngleSmallerThan(double angle)

Matches an absolute angle between two Ants.

In case of trajectories, it matches anything.


angle – the angle to be smaller (in radians).


a Matcher that matches when the absolute angle between two Ants is smaller than angle.

static Ptr AntAngleGreaterThan(double angle)

Matches an absolute angle between two Ants.

In case of trajectories, it matches anything.


angle – the angle to be greater to (in radians).


a Matcher that matches when the absolute angle between two Ants is greater than angle.

static Ptr InteractionType(AntShapeTypeID type1, AntShapeTypeID type2)

Matches an InteractionType.

Matches (type1,type2) and (type2,type1) interactions. In the case of trajectories, it matches anything.

  • type1 – the first AntShapeTypeID to match

  • type2 – the second AntShapeTypeID to match


a Matcher that matches a given InteractionType or its opposite.

static Ptr AntDisplacement(double under, Duration minimumGap)

Matches Ant displacement.

Matches Trajectories and Interactions where Ant displacement between two consecutive position is smaller than under. If minimumGap is not zero, this check will be enforced only if there was at least minimumGap Time ellapsed between the two positions.

  • under – maximal allowed displacement in pixels

  • minimumGap – minimal time gap


a Matcher that reject large displacements in a tracking gap.

Queries’ result structures


struct AntTrajectory

Defines a trajectory for an Ant.

Public Types

typedef std::shared_ptr<AntTrajectory> Ptr

A pointer to the trajectory.

Public Functions

Time End() const

End Time for this Trajectory.


a Time computed from Start and the Positions data.

Public Members

AntID Ant

Reports the AntID of the Ant this trajectory refers to.

SpaceID Space

Reports the Space this trajectory is taking place.

Time Start

Reports the starting Time of this trajectory.

Reports the starting Time of this trajectory. Positions first column are second offset from this time.

Eigen::Matrix<double, Eigen::Dynamic, 5> Positions

Reports the time and position in the frame.

Reports the time and position in the frame.

  • first column: offset in second since Start

  • second and third column: X,Y position in the image

  • fourth column: Angle in ]-π,π], in trigonometric orientation. As in images Y axis points bottom, positove angle appears clockwise.

  • fith column: the zone of the ant


struct AntInteraction

Defines an interaction between two Ants.

Public Types

typedef std::shared_ptr<AntInteraction> Ptr

A pointer to the interaction structure.

Public Members

InteractionID IDs

The IDs of the two Ant.

The ID of the two Ant. Always reports IDs.first < IDs.second.

InteractionTypes Types

Virtual shape body part that were in contact.

Virtual shape body part that were in contact during the interaction.

std::variant<std::pair<AntTrajectorySegment, AntTrajectorySegment>, std::pair<AntTrajectorySummary, AntTrajectorySummary>> Trajectories

Reports the AntTrajectory or their summary for each Ant during the interaction.

The trajectories are truncated to the interaction timing.

Time Start

Reports the Time the interaction starts.

Time End

Reports the Time the interaction ends.

SpaceID Space

Reports the SpaceID where the interaction happend.


struct AntTrajectorySegment

Defines a sub segment of a trajectory.

Public Members

AntTrajectory::Ptr Trajectory

The refering trajectory.

size_t Begin

The starting index of the segment in the referring trajectory.

size_t End

The index after the last index in the referring trajectory.


struct AntTrajectorySummary

Defines a trajectory sub-segment summary.

Public Members

Eigen::Vector3d Mean

The mean position during the trajectory.

std::set<ZoneID> Zones

The list of zone traversed by the trajectory.


struct IdentifiedFrame

A video frame were Ant have been identified from their TagID.

Public Types

typedef std::shared_ptr<IdentifiedFrame> Ptr

A pointer to an IdentifiedFrame.

typedef Eigen::Matrix<double, Eigen::Dynamic, 5, Eigen::RowMajor> PositionMatrix

A Matrix of ant position.

  • The first column is the AntID

  • The second and third columns are the x,y position in the original video frame.

  • The fourth column is the ant angle

  • The fifth column is the ant current zone or 0 if in no zone or zones aren’t computed.

Public Functions

bool Contains(uint64_t antID) const

Tests if the frame contains an Ant.


antID – the AntID of the Ant to test for.


true if antID is in Positions

std::tuple<AntID, const Eigen::Ref<const Eigen::Vector3d>, ZoneID> At(size_t index) const

Extract Ant position data at a given row.


index – the row we want to extract data from


the AntID, x,y,angle position and the ZoneID for the Ant at index.

Public Members

Time FrameTime

The acquisition Time of this frame.

SpaceID Space

The Space this frame belongs to.

size_t Height

The original height of the video frame.

size_t Width

The original width of the video frame.

PositionMatrix Positions

The position of each ant in that frame.


struct CollisionFrame

Reports all Collision happening at a given time.

Public Types

typedef std::shared_ptr<CollisionFrame> Ptr

A pointer to a CollisionFrame.

Public Members

Time FrameTime

The Time when the interaction happens.

SpaceID Space

Reports the Space this frame is taken from.

std::vector<Collision> Collisions

The Collision taking place at FrameTime.

struct Collision

Defines an interaction between two Ant, ponctual in Time.

Public Members

InteractionID IDs

The AntID of the two Ants interacting.

The AntID of the two Ants interacting. Please note that IDS.first < IDs.second remains always true, to ensure uniqueness of IDs for AntInteraction.

InteractionTypes Types

Reports all virtual AntShapeTypeID interacting between the two Ants.

ZoneID Zone

Reports the Zone where the interaction happened.

Reports the Zone where the interaction happened, the corresponding Space is reported in CollisionFrame. 0 means the default zone.


struct ComputedMeasurement

Represents a Measurement in millimeters at a given Time.

Measurement in myrmidon are automatically converted to MM given the Experiment tag family and size, and the size of the tag measured in the image.

Public Types

typedef std::vector<ComputedMeasurement> List

A list of measurement.

Public Members

fort::Time Time

the Time of the Measurement

double LengthMM

the value in mm of the measurement

double LengthPixel

the value of the measurement in pixels


struct TagStatistics

Statistics about a TagID in the experiment.

Public Types

typedef std::map<TagID, TagStatistics> ByTagID

A map of TagStatistics indexed by TagID.

typedef Eigen::Matrix<uint64_t, Eigen::Dynamic, 1> CountVector

A vector of count.


struct ExperimentDataInfo

Reports global tracking data stats for an Experiment.

Public Members

uint64_t Frames

The number of tracked frame in the Experiment.

Time Start

The Time of the first tracked frame.

Time End

the Time of the last tracked frame

std::map<SpaceID, SpaceDataInfo> Spaces

Data infos for all Space.

struct SpaceDataInfo

Reports global tracking data stats for a Space.

Public Members

std::string URI

The URI used to designate the Space.

std::string Name

The name of the Space.

uint64_t Frames

The number of frame in the Space.

Time Start

The first Time present in the Space.

Time End

The last Time present in the Space.

std::vector<TrackingDataDirectoryInfo> TrackingDataDirectories

Infos for all tracking data directories, ordered in Time.

struct TrackingDataDirectoryInfo

Reports information about a tracking data directory.

Public Members

std::string URI

The URI used in the GUI to designate the tracking data directory.

std::string AbsoluteFilePath

The absolute filepath on the directory on the system.

uint64_t Frames

The number of Frames in this directory.

Time Start

The first frame Time.

Time End

The last frame Time.