Identifying Ants

The main purpose of a tracking Experiment [1] is to study Ant [2] movements and Interactions.

Creating Ants

The first step would be to create an Ant [7] for each individual in our experiment. Like spaces, ants have a unique ID in the experiment which cannot be chosen, but will be generated starting from 1.

import py_fort_myrmidon as fm

e = fm.Experiment("identifying-ants.myrmidon")

ants = [e.CreateAnt(),e.CreateAnt(),e.CreateAnt()]
for i,a in enumerate(ants):
    print("Ant at index %d has ID: %s"%(i,fm.FormatAntID(a.ID)))
# outputs:
#    Ant at index 0 has ID: 001
#    Ant at index 1 has ID: 002
#    Ant at index 2 has ID: 003

e <- fmExperimentCreate("identifying-ants.myrmidon")

ants <- list(e$createAnt(),e$createAnt(),e$createAnt())
for (i in seq(1,3)) {
    printf("Ant at index %d has ID: %s\n",i,fmFormatAntID(ants[[i]]$ID))
# outputs:
#    Ant at index 1 has ID: 001
#    Ant at index 2 has ID: 002
#    Ant at index 3 has ID: 003
#include <fort/myrmidon/Experiment.hpp>

auto e = fort::myrmidon::Experiment::Create("identifying-ant.myrmidon");

std::vector<fort::myrmidon::Ant> ants = { e->reateAnt(),e->CreateAnt(),e->CreateAnt()};
for ( size_t i = 0; i < ants.size(); ++i ) {
    std::cerr << "Ants at index " << i << " has ID: " << fort::myrmidon::FormatAntID(ants[i]->ID()) << std::endl;
//    Ant at index 0 has ID: 001
//    Ant at index 1 has ID: 002
//    Ant at index 2 has ID: 003


If you delete an ant and there would be a gap in the set of all ant IDs, the next time an ant would be created, it will have an ID that will fill that gap.

Associating Ants with Tags

Creation of an Identification

Next we use Identifications [3] to associate an ant with a tag ID. This relation is not a direct 1:1 relation, has identifications are bounded in time, i.e. an ant is associated with a tag from a given time up to another. As fort-myrmidon uses its own Time [4] objects, these value can effectively be set to -∞ [5] or +∞ [6] for a given identification. Modeled as such, one ant could then be identified by several different tags over time.

Internally, fort-myrmidon ensure that these two conditions are met:

  • For any given time, any ant is identified by a unique tag ID (or none).

  • For any given time, any tag ID identifies only a unique ant (or none).

To ensure this, one cannot create directly identification, but must create an Identification through an Experiment [8]

for tagID,a in enumerate(ants):
    i = e.AddIdentification(antID = ants[0].ID,
                            tagID = tagID) #start and end have default values to -∞/+∞
# outputs:
#     Identification{ID: 0x000 ↦ 001, From: -∞, To: +∞}
#     Identification{ID: 0x001 ↦ 002, From: -∞, To: +∞}
#     Identification{ID: 0x002 ↦ 003, From: -∞, To: +∞}
for ( i in seq(1:length(ants) ) {
    identification <- e$addIdentification(ants[[i]]$ID,i-1,fmTimeSinceEver(),fmTimeForever())
# outputs:
#     fmIdentification( $tagValue = 0x000, $targetAntID = 001, $start = -∞, $end = +∞ )
#     fmIdentification( $tagValue = 0x001, $targetAntID = 002, $start = -∞, $end = +∞ )
#     fmIdentification( $tagValue = 0x002, $targetAntID = 003, $start = -∞, $end = +∞ )
for ( size_t i = 0; i < ants.size(); ++i) {
    auto identification = e->AddIdentification(ants[i]->ID(),i,fort::Time::SinceEver(),fort::Time::Forever());
        std::cerr << *identification << std::endl;
// outputs:
//     Identification{ID: 0x000 ↦ 001, From: -∞, To: +∞}
//     Identification{ID: 0x001 ↦ 002, From: -∞, To: +∞}
//     Identification{ID: 0x002 ↦ 003, From: -∞, To: +∞}

After being added to the experiment each identification will be found in the targeted ant listing of identifications [9]:

for a in ants:
    print("Ant %s is identified by:" % fm.FormatAntID(a.ID))
        for i in a.Identifications:
            print(" * %s" % i)
# outputs:
#     Ant 001 is identified by:
#      * Identification{ID: 0x000 ↦ 001, From: -∞, To: +∞}
#     Ant 002 is identified by:
#      * Identification{ID: 0x001 ↦ 002, From: -∞, To: +∞}
#     Ant 003 is identified by:
#      * Identification{ID: 0x002 ↦ 003, From: -∞, To: +∞}
for (a in ants) {
    printf("Ant %s is identified by:\n", fmFormatAntID(a$ID))
        for (i in a$identifications){
            printf(" * %s\n", capture.output(i))
# outputs:
#     Ant 001 is identified by:
#      * fmIdentification( $tagValue = 0x000 , $targetAntID = 001 , $start = -∞, $end = +∞ )
#     Ant 002 is identified by:
#      * fmIdentification( $tagValue = 0x001 , $targetAntID = 002 , $start = -∞, $end = +∞ )
#     Ant 003 is identified by:
#      * fmIdentification( $tagValue = 0x002 , $targetAntID = 003 , $start = -∞, $end = +∞ )
for (const auto & a : ants ) {
    std::cerr << "Ant "
                  << fort::myrmidon::FormatAntID(a->ID())
                              << " is identified by:"
                              << std::endl;
        for ( const auto & i :  a->Identifications() ) {
            std::cerr << " * " << *i << std::endl;
// outputs:
//     Ant 001 is identified by:
//      * Identification{ID: 0x000 ↦ 001, From: -∞, To: +∞}
//     Ant 002 is identified by:
//      * Identification{ID: 0x001 ↦ 002, From: -∞, To: +∞}
//     Ant 003 is identified by:
//      * Identification{ID: 0x002 ↦ 003, From: -∞, To: +∞}

Geometric relation between tags and ants

Identfications also holds the relation between the tag center and orientation to the estimated ant’s center and orientation. Usually this relation is automatically computed from manual measurements made in fort-studio pointing to the tip of the head and tip of the abdomen.

For some large experiment, it is preferable to infer this relation from a chosen heuristic, and force fort-myrmidon to set a user defined ant pose [10]. Please remark that this information should be set for every identification of an Ant.


This relation’s translation is the offset of the ant center to the tag center, expressed in the tag coordinate system. The angle correspond to the difference in radians of the ant orientation from the tag orientation , with trigonometric orientation. As in computer vision, the y-axis is conventionally going from top to bottom, positive angles appears clockwise.

ants[0].SetUserDefinedAntPose(antPosition = [0,0], antAngle = 0)
print("Ant %d has pose %s and angle %f" % (fm.FormatAntID(ants[0].ID),ants[0].AntPosition,ants[0].AntAngle))
# outputs: Ant 001 has pose [0.0 0.0] and angle 0.0
ants[[1]]$identifications[[1]]$setUserDefinedAntPose(c(0,0), 0.0)
printf("Ant %s has pose %s and angle %f", fmFormatAntID(ants[[1]]$ID),paste(ants[[1]]$identifications[[1]]$antPosition,collapse=","),ants[[1]]$identifications[[1]]$antAngle)
# outputs: Ant 001 has pose 0,0 and angle 0.000000
ants[0]->SetUserDefinedAntPose(Eigen::Vector2d(0,0), 0.0);
std::cerr << "Ant " << fort::myrmidon::FormatAnt(ant[0]->ID())
          << " has pose "<< ant[0]->AntPosition().transpose()
          << " and angle " << ant[0]->AntAngle()
          << std::endl;
// outputs: Ant 001 has pose (0.0 0.0) and angle 0.0

This user defined can be cleared [11] to revert to the position/angle derived from manual measurement.