Ant Metadata Edition

The *Ant Metadata* workspace

Fig. 6 fort-studio Ant Metadata workspace

[1]: Ant Metadata Tree View displays and allow edition of each ant user metadata [2]: Key Definitions List allows the definition of the key available to the Experiment.

The Ant Metadata workspace allows the edition of each Ant user defined metadata. Metadata are timed values associated to a specific key. For example a isAlive boolean key can be defined, with its default value to true. Then for specific Ant, one can mark them “dead” by setting isAlive to false after a given time.

For this purpose, one must use the Key Definitions List to define the key and its default value. Then after selecting the isAlive row under the wanted Ant, one could use the + button to add a timed value to false for this specific Ant.


fort-studio does not define any key for an Experiment. User should define the wanted key first.

Efficient Input of Times

The time format used by fort-studio is defined by the RFC 3339. It can be cumbersome to enter them to the microsecond. However, while displaying any Close-Up or Video Frame, one could use the Copy Current Time action (Ctrl+Shift+C) to copy the exact RFC 3339 string corresponding to the displayed Close-Up or Video Frame in the copy-paste buffer.