Measuring Ants

The *Measurement* workspace

Fig. 5 fort-studio Measurement workspace

[1]: Ant Close-Up View that allow to specify the virtual shape of a given Ant. [2]: Ant Close-Ups List, similarly to the Tag Close-Up List, allows to select a Close-Up for an Ant, but here organize Close-Up per Ant instead of per Tag. [3]: The toolbar that allow the edition of the measurement. [4] Measurement Type List is used to define the list of shape types for the Experiment.

The Measurement workspace is used to define, view and edit manual measurement on Ants.


fort-studio define a default head-tail measurement that cannot be removed as it is used for the pose estimation. Additionnal measurement types can be added.


The same navigation shortcuts from the Identification workspace are available:

  • Move to previous/next tag: Alt+W/Alt+S

  • Move to previous/next close-up: Alt+A/Alt+D